5 Things To Know About Robotic Knee Replacement
Knee replacement is a surgical procedure done to reverse knee damage to relieve pain and disability. Robotic knee replacement surgery will offer great relief for people who are suffering from severe knee pain caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other reasons. This process is nothing but cutting away the injured bone and cartilage and substituting it with an artificial joint. This robotic knee replacement might be new to many people, so they might not know what is the robotic knee replacement actually is. Here are some most important things about robotic knee replacement that you need to know.
Who needs knee replacement surgery?
It is introduced to enhance the accuracy of the surgery and is known to exceed the alignment and joint line restoration significantly. People who are above 50 years can take robotic knee replacement surgery if they suffer from severe osteoarthritis. Also, people who experience pain and stiff knee that makes it extremely difficult to perform some tasks can prefer this surgery. In some cases, you can’t even perform the simplest activities, and some medication and treatments might no longer give you any relief. If you are one among those people, you can consider knee replacement surgery.
A robot does not perform robotic knee replacement surgery
With the name robotic joint replacement surgery, most people think that a robot performs it, but it is not. It is one of the most common misconceptions about this surgery. The surgery procedure is assisted by a robotic arm, and the surgeon performs, which is still in control. The only job of the robotic arms in this surgery is to help the surgeon perform with greater precision.
Also, technology has a role in this surgery where a CT scan is used to create a 3D model of the patient’s knee before the knee replacement surgery. The CT scan will help the surgeons to place the implant more accurately. Once the surgeon feeds all the required data, the robot will show the end outcome even before surgery. With the help of the data, the robotic arm generates a predefined space for the specialist to work in. So it prevents them from accidentally damaging the surrounding tissue. The control is always in your surgeon’s hand, so you no need to worry about anything.
It potentially reduces recovery time
The robot-assisted techniques are still so new to the market, so the long-term hasn’t been properly studied yet, but there are proven and studies short term benefits. Robot-assisted techniques have the potential for shortened healing time, which is quickly becoming obvious. In a traditional total knee replacement, some patients aren’t able to perform their normal activities like driving and other working activities until 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. But robotic knee replacement surgery potentially cut this recovery time in half.
The use of a robotic arm helps the surgeon during all stages of knee replacement surgery and helps in delivering the best possible outcome. The robotic knee replacement surgery cost might vary based on the hospital’s terms and conditions, so you can check with the hospital that you prefer for this surgery. It also prevents accidental surrounding tissue damage aiding in greater precision during surgery.
Enhanced accuracy
The robotic techniques in knee replacement surgery provide greater precision which results in a more natural feeling after surgery. Due to the improved accuracy, surgeons can customize knee replacements to each patient’s anatomy, which leads to feeling a natural result. Also, there are fewer complications and hence a lower chance of revision surgery. The CT scan helps the surgeon to plan for the optimal type of implant and the accurate placement of the same. When compared to traditional knee replacement surgery, the robotic arm will act as a guide and help the surgeon to follow a laid-out plan.
Faster recovery
When you undergo a robotic knee replacement surgery, you can recover very fast than the traditional replacement surgery. This is because this robotic arm helps with minimum tissue trauma and bone and blood loss, so it will help with faster recovery. After robotic knee replacement surgery, you will also have lesser operative pain and increase the overall longevity of the new joint. The enhanced accuracy reduces the recovery time and speeds ups the natural healing process.
Summing it up
Robotic knee replacement offers various benefits like natural feeling results, consistency, precision, simplicity, and most importantly, it is safe and scalable. So without any worries, you can prefer robotic knee replacement surgery if you are in need. Ensure to approach the experts in the field to avoid more complex situations.